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Faculty List





Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 A French ?Rights of Nature? Revolution Lex Terra NLUJA Assam Fortnightly 15/07/2021

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Environmental Jurisprudence in India: A Journey Towards Attaining Eco-Centric Ideals Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental 28-Jun-2022 13 / 1 / 1-56

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Author Name (s) MANJERI SUBIN SUNDER RAJ (3126)
Title of Article Environmental Jurisprudence in India: A Journey Towards Attaining Eco-Centric Ideals
Name of Journal Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental
Volume No 13
Issue No 1
Page No 1-56
URL http://www.rcda.cat
Date of Publication 28-Jun-2022
2 The Environment: The Role of Religion and the Growth of Environmentalism Journal Of Dharma 01-Jul-2014 / / 181-192

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Title of Article The Environment: The Role of Religion and the Growth of Environmentalism
Name of Journal Journal Of Dharma
Volume No
Issue No
Page No 181-192
URL http://dvk.in/jme/journal-details/NA==
Date of Publication 01-Jul-2014


Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Rewriting Climate Law : Climate Change and its After Effects https://policymilieu.wordpress.com/2021/06/05/rewriting-climate-law/ Environmental LAw

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Keynote Speaker IV International Congress of Animal Law Voice for the Voiceless: An Indian Cultural, Traditional and Legal Exploration 11/06/2024 El Instituto Distrital De Proteccion Y Bienestar Animal, Bogota, Colombia International
2 Conference Keynote Speaker II Congreso Internacional: ?Cogitandi mutandi natura? Rights of Nature: The Indian Conundrum 09/05/2024 Esade Law School, Ramon Lull University, Barcelona, Spain International
3 Conference Keynote Speaker II Congreso Internacional: ?Cogitandi mutandi natura? Rights of Nature: The Indian Conundrum 09/05/2024 Esade Law School, Ramon Lull University, Barcelona, Spain International
4 Conference Presenter International Law and Technology Conference on ?Revolutionary Technologies and Evolutionary Laws: Challenges and Opportunities Cyber Crimes against children with Special Reference to Online Child Pornography 29/02/2024 School of Law, Mahindra University International
5 Conference Presenter First Global Online Conference on Climate Action, SDGs and Trade- A Path Towards a Greener Future Plastic Pollution Regime in India: A Critical Analysis 25/11/2023 HNLU, Raipur and Chattisgarh Biodiversity Baord International
6 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on Constitutionalism in Contemporary Times Unlocking Tribal Inclusivity: Socio-Economic Rights as Catalysts for Change in India 23/09/2023 NLU, Jodhpur National
7 Conference Presenter International Conference on Law and Social Transformation Tribal Women and Children under the Domain of the Indian Constitution: A Critical Study 09/09/2023 Alliance University International
8 Conference Keynote Speaker I Congreso Internacional: ?El desaf?o ambiental desde el Derecho: retos y oportunidades India?s tryst with ecological jurisprudence? 20/06/2023 Esade Law School, Universidad Ramon Lull, Barcelona, Spain International
9 Conference Panelist Sustainability Perspectives on International Trade, Agroecology and Jurisprudence 04/04/2023 International Goodwill Society of India and Indian Economic Association International
10 Conference Presenter 2023 ILAS-HUFS HK+ 3rd International Conference, Santiago, Chile Fostering Rights of Nature in India: Concerns, Considerations and Challenges 16/01/2023 Institute of Latin American Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea and Central University, Chile International
11 Conference Presenter Workshop on ?Comparative Legal Metrics: Quantification of Performance as a Regulatory Technique?, 21st General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law Judicial Performance Index in India: Charting a New Course 23/10/2022 International Academy of Comparative Law International
12 Seminar Keynote Speaker Sustainability and Inclusiveness in development from the Perspectives of Law and Justice Protecting the Environment - Shouldn't Nature's Voice Be Heard? 22/07/2022 GLC, Thrissur National
13 Seminar Keynote Speaker Seminar on Earth Law Earth Law: Emerging Eco-centric Principles 28/06/2022 Calicut Bar Association National
14 Conference Keynote Speaker UN Harmony with Nature: Interactive Dialogue Rights of Nature in India 22/04/2022 United Nations International
15 Seminar Keynote Speaker Webinar on Revamping Environmental Governance: Challenging the Basics Revamping Environmental Governance: Challenging the Basics 09/04/2022 Renaissance University, Indore National
16 Seminar Keynote Speaker Discussion on Rights of Nature in India Rights of Nature in India 31/03/2022 Global Association for the Rights of Nature Youth Hub International
17 Conference Presenter 2022 ILAS-HUFS HK+ 2nd International Conference Why Not Nature Rights? The Indian Dilemma 14/02/2022 Institute of Latin American Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and United Nations Harmony with Nature Programme International
18 Conference Presenter 13th Geneva Forum - 10TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RIGHTS OF NATURE FOR PEACE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Nature Rights: The Indian Experience 13/12/2021 United Nations and Objectif Sciences International and International
19 Conference Keynote Speaker 1st International Congress on "Fundamental Rights in Constitutional Law and Constitutionalism Legal Reflections On Assimilating Eco-Centrism In India 06/12/2021 Comprender Graduate School and Clinic for the Defense of Fundamental Rights, Mexico International
20 Seminar Participant Environmental Constitutionalism in Perspective: Euro-American Dialogues in the 21st Century 03/12/2021 University of Guayaquil, Ecuador International
21 Conference Keynote Speaker The International Congress on Constitutionalism and Democracy: The New Latin American Constitutionalism ENFORCING RIGHTS OF NATURE: THE INDIAN EXPERIENCE 22/11/2021 Network for Latin American Democratic Constitutionalism, Bahia, Brazil International
22 Conference Participant Legal Foundations and Game Theory to Combat Climate Change 20/11/2021 ENVIPOL and NLU D International
23 Seminar Keynote Speaker Advances in the Rights of Nature: Cases from Ecuador and India Rights of Nature: India 18/10/2021 University of Guayaquil, Ecuador International
24 Seminar Keynote Speaker Rights of Rivers: An Unfinished Agenda Rights of Rivers 27/09/2021 SLS, Nagpur National
25 Seminar Participant First International Meeting on Law, Sociology and Political Science 13/09/2021 University of Guayaquil, Ecuador International
26 Conference Presenter Invited speaker - International Course on Nature Rights, Theory and Practice, and the United Nations Harmony with Nature Programme, conducted by the Brazilian Federal Judicial Centre Enforcing Rights of Nature in India 28/08/2021 Brazilian Federal Judicial Center, the United Nations Harmony with Nature Programme and the Federal Universities of Ceará, Goiás and Santa Catarina International
27 Conference Presenter JeongSeon Forum 2021, South Korea Reading Earth Law Into Indian Environmental Jurisprudence 19/08/2021 Comité d?organisation du Forum de Jeongseon 2021 International
28 Seminar Participant Special Guest Lecture on World Environment Day 05/06/2021 ICFAI Law School International

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Reimagining Rights Of Nature In India Rights of Nature Symposium: Updates from across the Globe 28/09/2023 Australian Earth Laws Alliance
2 Indian Environmental Law Book Release 29/11/2022 Universidad Anahuac, Mexico
3 The Trajectory Of Environmental Jurisprudence In India Guest lecture for PhD students 26/11/2022 Universidad Anahuac
4 Environmental Law in India, Mexico and Spain Know your Laws 27/09/2022 Universidad Anahuac
5 Keynote address XI Interactive Dialogue on Harmony with Nature 22/04/2022 United Nations General Assembly
6 Rights of Nature in India 31/03/2022 Global Association for the Rights of Nature Youth Hub
7 Keynote address on World Water Day - "Right to Water or Right of Water" World Water Day Seminar, NSS, NLUJAA 22/03/2021 NLUJAA

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Fostering Duty Consciousness in Protecting the Environment: Towards Evolving a New Jurisprudence Prof. (Dr.) M K Ramesh National Law School of India University

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 Protection of the Rights of Children against Cyber Crimes with Special Reference to Child Pornography: A Comparative Analysis ANKITA KAPOOR Christ University July 2021
3 A Critical Analysis of the Legal Regime on Plastic Pollution in India: A Comparative Study with International Norms and the Laws in the U.S.A and the U.K JOSE VIKAS YESUDASAN Christ University December 2022
5 . NAMAN SHUKLA Christ University August 2024

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Building on Best Practices: Legal Education 5.0 Christ(Deemed to be University) Institutional 11/11/2024
2 One Day workshop -Research to Reality: Publishing Insights for Academia School of Law, Christ University Institutional 07/11/2024
3 Publishing Academic Books Springer Nature and Christ University Institutional 22/08/2024
4 Elevating Manuscripts: Mastering the Art of Book Proposals School of Law, Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 21/08/2024
5 Seed Grant Proposals Research Committee, School of Law Institutional 08/07/2024
6 One week FDP on Law?s Emerging Realms of Forensics, Conflict Resolution, Social Entrepreneurship and AI School of Law, Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 11/12/2023
7 Beyond Boundaries: Through Innovative Andragogy to Address Student Learning Needs? School of Law Institutional 05/12/2023
8 FDP-1 CEDBEC and SDC, Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 26/06/2023
9 5 day Faculty Development Program on Curriculum Design and Revision with specific focus on OBE Staff Development College, Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 05/12/2022
10 e-content development programme HRDC, Christ University and Centre for Concept Design Institutional 21/11/2022
11 FDP on Technology Tools in Research Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 07/11/2022
12 3 day workshop om Developing E-Content Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 03/11/2022
13 FDP 1- 2022 CEDBEC and IQAC, Institutional 06/07/2022
14 FDP on Leadership and Innovation in Legal Education School of Law, Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 05/01/2022
15 Offline Orientation Program Staff Development College, Christ (Deemed to be University) 07/12/2021
16 Legal Foundations and Game Theory to Combat Climate Change Global Policy Insights, Envipol and NLU, Delhi International 20/11/2021
17 First International Meeting on Law, Sociology and Political Science University of Guayaquil, Ecuador International 13/09/2021
18 International Course on Nature Rights, Theory and Practice, and the United Nations Harmony with Nature Programme Brazilian Federal Judicial Center and the United Nations Harmony with Nature Programme International 02/09/2021
19 E- Learning in Legal Education: Leadership Strategies School of Law, Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 25/08/2021
20 Envipol Certificate Workshop on Climate Change Envipol International 17/07/2021
22 Preferred Future: Ideas and Strategies Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) Institutional 16/06/2021
23 Constitutional Values and Fundamental Rights Amity Law School, Amity University, Noida National 07/06/2021
24 Hybrid Teaching Christ (Deemed to be University) 03/03/2021
25 Certificate Corse on International Environmental Advocacy Government Law College, Ernakulam International 25/01/2021
26 Developing future ready legal education- Design/engage/access/impact/lead? Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 11/01/2021
27 Contemporary Issues in Law School of Legal Studies, CUSAT National 17/06/2020
28 'Structured Experiential Learning of Various Practical Legal Arenas' ICFAI Law School, Dehradun National 06/06/2020
29 Faculty Development Programme CEDBEC, Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 15/05/2020


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Linnaeus Palme Fellowship KTH Royal Institute of Technology 29 January 2014
2 Linnaeus Palme Fellowship KTH Royal Institute of Technology 10 April 2015
3 Member, Knowledge Network Experts, Harmony with Nature, United Nations United Nations 14 June 2020
4 Second Rank, B.A., LL.B (Hons), 2007 NUALS, Kochi 01 June 2007
5 Member, Editorial Board, Comparative Law in Global Perspective, Edited by Mauro Bussani and Giacinto della Cananea, Brill | Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands ISSN: 2772-5332 Brill | Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands 10 April 2021
6 Member, Editorial Board, National Law School Journal NLSIU, Bangalore 11 October 2019
7 Invited Speaker at the fourth JeongSeon Forum 2021 Gangwon Province, Republic of Korea 09 July 2021
8 Invited speaker - International Course on Nature Rights, Theory and Practice, and the United Nations Harmony with Nature Programme, conducted by the Brazilian Federal Judicial Centre Brazilian Federal Judicial Centre 28 August 2021
9 Invited Speaker, Webinar on Advances in the Rights of Nature: Cases from Ecuador and India Facultad De Jurisprudencia Y Ciencias Sociales Y Políticas, University of Guayaquil, Ecuador 18 October 2021
10 Invited speaker, XI INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUTIONALISM AND DEMOCRACY CONGRESS: THE NEW LATIN AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONALISM Network for Latin American Democratic Constitutionalism 22 November 2021
11 Keynote Speaker, 1st International Congress: "Fundamental Rights in Constitutional Law and the Constitutionalism Clinica de defensa de los Derechos Fundamentales and Comprender Graduate School, Mexico 10 December 2021
12 Member, Global Animal Law GAL Association, Germany Global Animal Law GAL Association, Germany 15 September 2021
13 Invited Speaker, 2022 ILAS- HUFS HK+ 2nd International Conference Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and UN Harmony with Nature 14 February 2022
14 Keynote Speaker, Eleventh Interactive Dialogue of the General Assembly on Harmony with Nature United Nations General Assembly 10 April 2022
15 Invited Speaker, Oslo International Environmental Law C0nference International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 18 August 2022
16 Invited Speaker, 2023 ILAS- HUFS HK+ 3rd International Conference, Santiago, Chile Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and UN Harmony with Nature 10 January 2023
17 Special Rapporteur - Rights of Nature, Globalization, and Legal Pluralism, International Academy of Comparative Law General Congress, Asunción, Paraguay International Academy of Comparative Law General Congress, Asunción, Paraguay 09 March 2021
18 Expert Member, The Institute of Latin American Studies HK, University of Foreign Studies Hankuk, South Korea The Institute of Latin American Studies HK. the University of Foreign Studies, Hankuk, SOuth Korea 20 March 2023
19 Invited Speaker, I Congreso Internacional: ?El desafío ambiental desde el Derecho: retos y oportunidades, Esade Law School, Barcelona, Spain Esade Law School, Universidad Ramon Lull, Barcelona, Spain and Asociacion Mexicana de Derecho Administrativo, Mexico 21 June 2023
20 Member, Editorial Board, The Chinese Civil Code in the Global Legal Order, Mauro Bussani et al (Eds) Brill | Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands 01 July 2024


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